Despite what we are told, headaches are never caused by a lack of aspirin! It is best to treat the cause. Did you know there are many different types of headaches? One frequent cause is friction of the spinal bones in the neck. When some of the spine bones lose their normal position, sensitive nerves and blood vessels of the head can be affected, and drugs may only cover up the symptoms.
Headaches are often "treated" by masking pain with drugs such as aspirin, analgesics and other remedies. Specific chiropractic adjustments can help correct spinal joint dysfunction created by the various chemical, emotional and physical stresses of our lives. At Lombardo Chiropractic, many of our patients report quick relief from headaches. In other cases, conditions that have been left untreated for many years require ongoing treatment.
With improved structure and function, neck pain often diminishes or totally disappears, often without any drugs or side effects. One study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that patients who received chiropractic care reported significant improvements in their neck function and a reduction in their neck pain – while those on pain-killing medication did not.
If you suffer from headaches and would like to learn more about how Lombardo Chiropractic may be able to help, click here to send us your contact information. One of our team members will be in touch to schedule your consultation. You may also call us at (386)673-0400.
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